Kamala Harris doesn’t want anyone to know this truth about her campaign

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is taking a victory lap after the debate with Donald Trump.

But this may be a case of false bravado.

And Kamala Harris doesn’t want anyone to know this truth about her campaign.

New York Times poll points to choppy waters for Kamala Harris

Ruy Teixeira is an academic who authored the Emerging Democratic Majority, a 2004 book that posited the growing minority population plus the Leftward shift amongst college educated whites would cement a Democrat electoral majority for a generation.

But these days he’s worried Democrats didn’t heed the real lesson of the book which was that the party needed to mind its working class base.

Teixeira’s latest entry on his Liberal Patriot Substack newsletter says there are blinking warning lights for Vice President Kamala Harris coming out of the latest New York Times/Siena poll.

In the newsletter, he wrote that Kamala is polling worse with non-college educated voters than President Joe Biden did after his disastrous June 27 debate performance.

She also polled worse than Biden did with these voters in 2020.

“The latest New York Times/Siena poll has Harris trailing Trump among working-class (noncollege) voters by 17 points. That’s identical to Biden’s working-class deficit in the last NYT poll before he dropped out and way worse than Biden’s deficit among these voters in 2020—a mere 4 points,” Teixeira wrote.

He noted that Kamala polled worse than Biden in 2020 with both white and minority non college educated voters, despite making gains with these groups after Democrat Party bosses installed her as the nominee in a coup.

“Harris, relative to Biden in 2020, is doing 10 points worse among white working-class voters and 18 points worse among nonwhite working-class voters. The latter is despite considerable improvement for Harris among this demographic since Biden dropped out,” Teixeira added.

And more worrisome, Teixeira explained that non-college educated voters vastly outnumber college educated voters both nationally and in the battlegrounds.

Moreover, in all seven key swing states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—the working-class share of the electorate, both as eligible voters and as projected 2024 voters, will be higher than the national average,” Teixeira continued.

Democrats drive away the working class

As professionally credentialed elites took over the Democrat Party, their priorities also took center stage.

Democrats became the party of endless foreign wars and woke liberal social causes like diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, amnesty, transgender ideology, and abortion on demand.

As cultural liberalism dominated the Democrat Party, the working class base saw their economic concerns play second fiddle.

That’s why the New York Times/ Siena poll showed Donald Trump +10 in terms of favorability numbers with working-class voters.

Non college educated Americans saw Trump fighting to secure the border, keep jobs in America, and stop pouring money down the toilet to secure the border in Ukraine while more than 10 million illegal aliens entered America and migrated to the GOP. 

Kamala Harris is -16 with the working class thanks to her immigration and inflation crisis.

And Teixeira is warning Democrats that the composition of the electorate is going to be more favorable to Donald Trump than they think.

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