John Fetterman said he knew Democrats were in trouble when he saw one scary sign

Photo by Governor Tom Wolf, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr

John Fetterman keeps sounding alarm bells for his party.

The Pennsylvania Democrat doesn’t want to be the bearer of bad news.

But John Fetterman said he knew Democrats were in trouble when he saw one scary sign.

John Fetterman says Trump’s bond with the working class is stronger than ever 

John Fetterman told the New York Times Lulu Garcia-Navarro that he could see former President Donald Trump’s surge coming a mile away while the rest of his party remained blissfully ignorant of him eating into their base of working-class voters.

Fetterman described a scene from the 2016 campaign where talked to the union boss who ran a steel mill across the street from his house about where his members stood on Trump.

“Well, I think that’s finally making the grassroots more official. I’ll never forget, I live directly across the street from the steel mill, and we were doing an event there for [Hillary] Clinton, and I asked the union president, Hey, where are we on Trump?” Fetterman began.

The union boss told Fetterman that 60 percent of his membership would back Trump.

“And he’s like, Yeah, probably half or 60 percent to two-thirds are voting for him. And I was like, Oh, that sucks,” Fetterman added.

Fetterman then began to recount how a truck driver with “truck nuts” on his vehicle passed by.

In a comical moment that sums up why Democrats are losing working-class voters, Fetterman proceeded to ask Garcia-Navarro if she knew what truck nuts were.

“And then immediately there was a guy, he had a truck, and he had truck nuts on it. You know what truck nuts are?” Fetterman asked.

The response from the elitist big-city New York Times reporter said it all.

“Do I look as if I know what truck nuts are?” Garcia-Navarro shot back.

Fetterman described what truck nuts were before telling Garcia-Navarro that Democrats still count on the support from government workers unions since they’re the party of big government.

“It’s balls hung on the hitch of a truck, and he honked, and he was like, ‘Go Trump!’ as he drove by, and it’s like, Hey, we’re in trouble and it’s undeniable. And some unions like [S.E.I.U.] and the government kinds of unions are still very, very Democratic,” Fetterman added.

Democrats turned working-class voters against them 

Fetterman cautioned that Trump’s blue-collar union support was because Democrats are the party that supports shipping jobs overseas and importing cheap foreign labor to depress the wages of American citizens.

“But those others, I think a lot of their membership, for a lot of people, Trump has that kind of a connection. That’s real. I witnessed that. And that’s why I’m concerned, and that’s why polls were inaccurate. And that’s why now I’m saying we got to fight for every last vote. It’s going to matter,” Fetterman concluded.

The Teamsters union not endorsing any Presidential candidate after a poll showed 60 percent of their members illustrated the hole Democrats dug with working-class Americans.

John Fetterman could be whistling past the graveyard as it could be too late for the Democrat Party to repair their fractured relationship with working-class voters.

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