John Fetterman left a CNN host stunned into silence by revealing this shocking change

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Governor Tom Wolf from Harrisburg, PA, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Senator John Fetterman came back from a near-fatal stroke and Democrats don’t recognize him.

That’s even clear to the media.

And John Fetterman left a CNN host stunned into silence by revealing this shocking change.

Fetterman drops progressive label

In U.S. Senator John Fetterman’s (D-PA) first year in Washington D.C., he was the least popular freshmen Senator.

Morning Consult showed his approval rating clocking in at 43 percent.

Fetterman was a Bernie Bro socialist in a purple state so his lack of popularity wasn’t a great revelation.

But then he began to pivot.

It started with Fetterman’s support of Israel following the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack.

Fetterman became a very vocal critic of the pro-Hamas wing of the Democrat Party and “The Squad.”

He displayed the pictures of the hostages that Hamas took in his office and would taunt pro-Hamas protestors with Israeli flags.

CNN’s Dana Bash asked Fetterman about his political evolution and if he still considered himself part of the Left.

Fetterman responded that he was dropping the “progressive” label favored by many on the Left these days.

“I’m not a progressive, I just identified myself as a regular Democrat,” Fetterman stated.

He claimed he could no longer consider himself a progressive because the Left went off the deep end.

Fetterman also claimed the main goal for the Left should be beating former President Donald Trump.

“Now, eight years ago, I was a progressive, but the situation’s changed and I‘ve been very clear that I didn‘t leave that label. That label leaved [left] me and I think it’s much more important to be focusing on Donald Trump instead of those kinds of purity tests and those kinds of issues,” Fetterman added.

Fetterman’s phony break from the Left

Fetterman tried to showcase his independence from the left on the issue of immigration.

Bash asked Fetterman about House Progressive Caucus member Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) who claimed President Joe Biden’s new immigration executive order had the “same tools as Donald Trump.”

Biden’s executive order did no such thing and contained so many loopholes that it left the border open.

Fetterman claimed that all Jayapal did was attack Biden and that all Democrats should support secure borders.

“She’s entitled to her own opinion, but it does also seem like some of the harshest words for the President in this situation seems to be more coming from very safe, and blue, very kinds of places. Now in Pennsylvania, border security is an important issue and we do all believe that we should have a secure border, and I never thought it was unreasonable for any Democrat to want to make our border more secure,” Fetterman added.

But Fetterman is playing misdirection games here to distract Americans.

He voted twice for Biden’s border betrayal bill which would have written into law the ability for him to admit nearly two million illegal aliens per year into the country.

At the end of the day no matter what John Fetterman wants his preferred political pronouns to be, he’s still a down-the-line leftist.

But Fetterman is just wise enough to know that brand won’t sell in Pennsylvania. 

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