Joe Biden has this awful secret weapon to guarantee Trump’s defeat

Cat1 / Politics

David Lienemann (Executive Office of the President of the United States), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden is behind in the polls.

But Biden and his handlers are by no means ready to concede.

And Joe Biden has this awful secret weapon to guarantee Trump’s defeat.

Democrats demand even more biased media coverage

The main media outlets all function as Super PACs for the Democrat Party.

Americans saw so-called “news” outlets put on their “team D” jerseys when they began parroting White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s lies that videos showing President Joe Biden suffering from severe cognitive impairment were “cheap fakes.”

Neither the media nor Jean-Pierre explained what was fake about any of these videos.

But the media mindlessly parroting the White House’s propaganda to brainwash Americans wasn’t enough.

Former President Bill Clinton’s top strategist James Carville demanded the White House develop an enforcement mechanism to force news outlets to hammer former President Donald Trump with negative coverage.

“I call it the problem of the mosquito in a news colony,” Carville stated on his podcast.

The Democrats spent eight years making up so many fake scandals about Trump that Carville fretted that the Biden campaign didn’t know where to focus their attacks on Trump.

 “You got to pick a spot, alright, and there’s so many things about Trump. He’s crooked, he’s treasonous, he uses racism, he’s incompetent, he’s vulgar, he’s a sexual predator. By the way, twenty-six women have credibly accused him of sexual improprieties, alright. But you get one and the next day it’s something else, and you’re jumping around,” Carville added.

A demand for state media

Carville faulted the White House for a lack of imagination.

Members of the media would like nothing more than to help Biden stop Trump from regaining power.

But Carville said the White House needs to find a way to compel the major media outlets to stay on message.

“There has to be, and this is where I fault the White House. The President needs to give a speech in fifteen minutes, and they poll, and they know. I mean, don’t kid yourself, they know exactly. Tell us what negative to accentuate. And then you can have some kind of enforcement mechanism,” Carville added.

“Hopefully, we get this in the debate, that there’s a coherent line of attack coming out of Biden against Trump, so that we can all pick it up. But then one segment on MSNBC is in one place, the Times columnist, you know, Krugman, is in another place and E. J. Dionne somewhere else, and Eugene Robinson is over there. And it’s ten different people in ten different places and that’s not effective,” Carville continued.

The media spent the last eight years relentlessly attacking Donald Trump.

And that led to record low levels of trust in the media as Americans realized the press created hoaxes like Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 campaign or the Ukraine impeachment scam just to hurt him politically.

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