Jen Psaki was surprised by what Nancy Pelosi admitted about Joe Biden’s departure from the Presidential race

Cat2 / Politics

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Details continue to emerge about Joe Biden’s sudden decision to drop out of the race and endorse Kamala Harris.

It’s looking more and more like Biden was the victim of a Democrat coup.

And Jen Psaki was surprised by what Nancy Pelosi admitted about Joe Biden’s departure from the Presidential race.

Joe Biden talks about the decision to end his campaign

President Joe Biden repeatedly rejected Democrat calls for him to step aside after his terrible performance in his debate with former President Donald Trump.

In one interview, Biden said only “God almighty” could convince him to drop out and end his re-election bid.

That’s why many Americans were shocked when he released a letter announcing his departure from the race on July 21.

Within a matter of days, Biden went from saying only God could convince him not to run to announcing his decision to step aside.

On Sunday, Joe Biden appeared on CBS for an interview where he discussed his departure for the first time.

“Look, polls we had showed that it was a neck-and-neck race, would have been down to the wire,” Biden said. “But what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races, and I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic.”

He seemed to confirm the rumors that former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) led a pressure campaign to force him to step aside.

Pelosi speaks out

Nancy Pelosi also appeared for an interview on Sunday with Joe Biden’s former White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, on MSNBC.

Apparently, Pelosi and Biden are no longer friends after she pressured him out of the race.

“Is there a way back for your friendship?” Psaki asked.

Pelosi seemed to dodge the question and instead showered Biden with praise.

“In our family, we have three generations of love for Joe Biden,” Pelosi said. “My husband and I, of course, we’ve known him for a very long time – respect him, love him and Jill.” 

“He and Jill are so remarkable, and their family, our kids have always loved them,” Pelosi added. “I had pictures with him from our children growing up and now our grandchildren growing up.”

But Pelosi then showed that for Democrats like her, politics always comes before friendship.

“But the most important thing we have to do is to win the election, just to sustain his legacy and to have the legacy be to do even more in the Presidency and the Vice Presidency of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz,” Pelosi added.

Donald Trump was right.

Biden was forced out by Pelosi and Obama.

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