James Carville gave a CNN star one hard truth that sent the woke outrage mob berserk

Cat2 / Media

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Flickr

James Carville is one of the elder statesmen of the Democrat Party.

The 80-year-old strategist isn’t afraid to speak his mind. 

And James Carville gave a CNN star one hard truth that sent the woke outrage mob berserk. 

James Carville gets in hot water for saying preachy women hurt Democrats

Veteran Democrat strategist James Carville is a throwback to an era where wokeness wasn’t the unofficial religion of the Democrat Party.

He told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd in March that Democrats were being hurt by “too many preachy females” scolding everyone.

The comment sparked massive outrage on the Left at the time. 

Carville was asked about the comment during an appearance on CNN News Central.

“But James, you really got lambasted when you said there were too many preachy females and now we have been watching some very strong, I’m not using the word preachy, but very strong females take the stage, like Hillary Clinton, like Michelle Obama, and like Kamala Harris,” CNN host Sara Sidner said about the lineup at the Democratic National Convention.

Carville had warned that the “preachy females” were causing Democrats to lose support among men, especially minorities who just wanted to be left alone.

“So what do you say to people that were annoyed, if not mad at you for using that kind of language, even though as you point out, Donald Trump is gaining with men?” Sidner asked.

The 80-year-old brushed aside any backlash he received for the remarks. 

“What I would say to people is my role is somewhat of a provocateur,” Carville replied. “And we had a male problem, we had one. And how do I do that? Do I tell Maureen Dowd of The New York Times that a close analysis of the regression group indicates that we have insufficient support among American males. Nobody is going to remember that.” 

Carville explained that everyone would remember the point he was making with the “preachy females” line.

“And, forget about me, I don’t care,” Carville stated. “They can attack me all they want to.”

Carville warns about the dangers of woke women pushing everyone away

He told Dowd in his interview in March that the “woke stuff is killing us.”

Polls then showed President Joe Biden losing a surprising amount of support from non-college educated black men to former President Donald Trump. 

Carville speculated that it was the growing dominance of women in the Democrat Party and their elitist attitude that was driving them away.

“A suspicion of mine is that there are too many preachy females,” Carville explained. “‘Don’t drink beer. Don’t watch football. Don’t eat hamburgers. This is not good for you.’ The message is too feminine: ‘Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.’”

Trump has an advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris with male voters of nine points. 

Democrats continuing to hemorrhage male voters could help put Donald Trump over the top this November.

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