George Clooney is at Barack Obama’s throat for one shocking reason

George Clooney is Hollywood and Democrat Party royalty.
But the fallout from the 2024 election reached Clooney’s doorstep.
And George Clooney is at Barack Obama’s throat for one shocking reason.
George Clooney thinks Obama is trying to make him the fall guy for Kamala Harris’ defeat
George Clooney’s July 10 New York Times op-ed calling on Joe Biden to drop out of the race due to his senility sent shockwaves across the political landscape.
Clooney revealed that every Democrat elected official he spoke with in private thought Biden’s mental decrepitude would lead the party to a landslide defeat.
“This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private,” Clooney stated.
Clooney played a crucial role in the pressure campaign orchestrated by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to drive Biden out of the race following the June 27 debate with Donald Trump.
No one thought Clooney woke up one day and decided to write a New York Times op-ed calling on the Democrat Party to stage a coup against their sitting President.
Now Clooney wants word out that he was just acting as Barack Obama’s errand boy when he wrote the op-ed.
Sources close to Clooney told Radar Online that Clooney is catching heat from the left for becoming the public face of the dump Biden movement in the wake of Kamala Harris’ defeat.
“George is furious with Obama for disappearing after the election disaster and leaving him holding the bag for pushing the plan with his Hollywood pals,” an entertainment industry source said.
Obama couldn’t publicly make a move against Biden since Biden resents Obama for backing Hillary Clinton over him in 2016.
Any public comment by Obama calling on Biden to step aside only would have caused Biden to dig in harder on staying in the race.
Obama deployed Clooney as his front man
“Obama and Clooney have been tight for years, and George became Barack‘s surrogate in leading the charge for Joe to step away”, the source added. “Barack knew he would look like a traitor if he publicly called for Joe to be cut loose. And now, he’s trying to walk away from it all.”
Clooney wanted word out that he resented how Obama used him and then let him take the heat for Obama’s big idea.
“George feels duped and vows he’s not going to be anyone’s political water boy anymore,” the source continued.
The recriminations in the Democrat Party are just getting started.
But it’s hard to imagine a juicier feud than Barack Obama versus George Clooney.