Fox News is helping Kamala Harris in this awful way

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Spud of Inside Cable news, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia

It’s not just the left-wing media aiding Kamala Harris’ Presidential campaign.

Fox News is in on the act.

And Fox News is helping Kamala Harris in this awful way.

Top Trump ally says Fox News helping to humanize Kamala Harris

Former White House advisor and key Trump ally Peter Navarro said on a recent episode of the War Room podcast that Fox News and other conservative media outlets boosted Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign by only referring to her by her first name.

“Everybody associated with the Trump campaign, everybody out there who’s a commentator in conservative TV, radio, whoever you are. Sean [Hannity], Laura [Ingraham], Jesse [Watters], my brother Rob Schmitt, or Greg Kelly at Newsmax,” Navarro began.

Navarro said calling Kamala Harris simply “Kamala” gave her a celebrity aura like that of international soccer stars like Pele who are so famous they are known by just one name.

“Here’s the thing, I am urging you from this day forward, never, ever, ever to refer to Kamala Harris by her first name. Only her first name. Kamala, Kamala, Kamala. She is not a soccer star, okay? Pelé, I get it. Messi, I get it. Okay? But when you use ‘Kamala’ these days, it does not do us any good. Works in the other direction. It personalizes her and it creates a favorable impression,” Navarro added.

The exception to the rule

Navarro said there was only one instance in which Fox News or anyone else should refer to Kamala Harris by one name.

And that is if it’s in the form of a nickname that Trump bestowed upon her, like “Komrade Kamala.”

“So stop doing that! Okay? No more Kamala. The only exception to that rule is if you use it with a Trump-like nickname. So, ode or homage to that famous pop music ‘Karma Chameleon,’ that’s not bad. ‘Kama-Liar,’ that’s not bad. But we’re having a wake-up right now, okay? We’re burying Kamala as a single-use name,” Navarro continued.

Navarro said no one in the press or Democrat Party affectionately referred to Donald Trump by a single name so there was no reason for conservatives to grant Kamala Harris that favor.

Navarro then asked, “Think about it, when was the last time you heard somebody refer to Donald John Trump favorably or affectionately at all simply as ‘Donald’? So cut the ‘Kamala’ crap, okay? Cut the Kamala crap. Please pass that on.”

Navarro again begged Fox News and the rest of the conservative media and political apparatus to stop treating Kamala Harris like a superstar with the single-name treatment.

 “It’s not doing the Trump campaign a single bit of good to ever refer to this woman by her first name. She is not Pelé. She cannot bend them like Pelé or Beckham. She is not Messi. She is a mess, she is a hot mess, she is a hot, hot mess,” Navarro concluded.

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