Fox News called out Kamala Harris for this big lie about Donald Trump

Cat2 / Politics

Clemens v. Vogelsang from Liechtenstein, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It’s crunch time in the 2024 Election.

Kamala Harris was supposed to have a bigger lead by now. 

And Fox News called out Kamala Harris for this big lie about Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris pushes the big lie about Donald Trump and Project 2025

The Heritage Foundation developed Project 2025 as a conservative wish list of policies they would like to see enacted if former President Donald Trump wins the Presidency.

Heritage created a similar policy manual dating back to the Reagan administration.

But with Democrats needing to reframe this election around Donald Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign needed a boogeyman.

And it quickly became Project 2025.

Kamala Harris campaigned in New Hampshire – a major warning sign that even safe blue seats are still in play – and repeatedly lied about Project 2025 being Trump’s agenda.

Fox News calls out Kamala Harris’ falsehoods

Donald Trump never endorsed Project 2025.

In fact, he said his only platform was the one he proposed at the Republican Convention.

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them,” Trump posted on Truth Social back in July.

Fox News host Martha MacCallum called out Kamala Harris for lying by claiming Trump supported many policies included in Project 2025 that never appeared on his platform.

“There were so many things in there that are not part of the Trump campaign at all … There’s no opportunity when you’re listening to this to hear the other side. She said that he wanted a national sales tax, not true,” MacCallum stated. “That he wanted to end Obamacare, not true. That he wanted to cut off tax cuts to small businesses, also not true. And then she labeled a ton of 2025, the project thing, that he has completely said he doesn’t back and that is not a part of the Republican platform.”

Fox News Democrat contributor Jessica Tarlov falsely claimed Trump and his running mate U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) support Project 2025 despite no on-the-record statements from either indicating that is the case.

“What’s going on with Project 2025, and the problem for Trump and Vance is that people who lead this project are doing interviews, and undercover footage is coming out of them talking about how Donald Trump really does support this,” Tarlov falsely claimed. “And J.D. Vance writes the forward to the book of one of the main leaders of this. And the stuff that she’s talking about is in Project 2025.”

McCallum fired back a simple retort.

“But it’s not in his platform or his campaign, and his campaign has actual policies on the website,” MacCallum shot back.

Kamala and the Democrats want to focus on an imaginary Donald Trump platform to distract from the fact that she has a nonexistent policy platform.

The Kamala Harris campaign website still doesn’t have an issues page.

She and her campaign have a simple calculation.

If the election is about Donald Trump, then Kamala Harris will win.

To keep that framing, Democrats will lie about what he stands for while never speaking a word about what Kamala will do as President.

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