Donald Trump has one secret plan that spells doom for Kamala Harris

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are locked in a tossup race.

Harris and the media think the momentum is on their side.

And Donald Trump has one secret plan that spells doom for Kamala Harris.

CNN warns Harris she must start doing interviews

Vice President Kamala Harris has been the presumptive Democrat Party nominee for President for over two weeks.

In that time has done no interviews and barely spoken without reading her remarks off a teleprompter.

Democrats don’t want Harris to speak off the cuff because they know what happens when she has to think on her feet.

On CNN, former Obama official Van Jones warned Harris the media hype and propaganda machine could only carry her so far.

“I think they’ve played it smart. It’s hard for people to remember, she’s been running for President for two weeks, literally for two weeks,” Jones stated.

Jones told Harris she would soon have to start doing interviews. 

“And so she had to get a lot done in those two weeks, she had to get the base of her party. She had to get the actual nomination. She had to pick a VP. So I’m not mad that she’s not doing 15 interviews a day, but it can’t last. It’s very important. And we can‘t make favorites. Anybody running for the top office needs to be as available as possible,” Jones added.

Trump’s plan

In an interview with Fox & Friends, former President Donald Trump said Harris would fall apart once she had to start speaking without the benefit of a script.

“She can’t talk to people. She can’t answer questions,” Trump began. “She hasn’t done one interview … she’s not doing any interviews because if she did one interview where a hard question’s asked, she’s incapable of answering it.”

“You become President for all of the people so I feel you have an obligation to do that,” Trump continued. “Now, she’s not doing anything. She’s not doing any interviews because I don’t believe she’s capable.”

He also hinted that he and Harris would soon reach an agreement on a debate.

President Joe Biden previously dared Trump to debate him.

That challenge proved to be the end of Biden’s career.

Likewise, Harris was also eager to get on a debate stage with Trump challenging him to “say it to my face” if he had any criticisms of her record.

Harris may be careful what she wishes for.

A debate means she has to speak in public and articulate her thoughts and views for 90 minutes without a safety net in the form of her teleprompter.

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