Donald Trump had a two-word reaction to Kamala Harris’s Vice-Presidential pick

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Flickr

Kamala Harris finally made her Vice-Presidential pick official.

The battle lines are set for November.

Donald Trump had a two-word reaction to Kamala Harris’s Vice-Presidential pick.

Republicans react to Harris picking Tim Walz as her running mate

Vice President Kamala Harris picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) as her running mate.

On Fox News Channel’s The Five, co-host Kayleigh McEnany said that choice left the Trump campaign jumping for joy.

“This is a stunning choice. I imagine there’s a lot of cheering at Mar-A-Lago at the moment,” McEnany stated.

McEnany explained that Walz’s far-left views – he signed legislation giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses and free health care, allowing for transgender surgeries for minors, and imposing the Green New Deal – provided a treasure trove of targets for the Trump team to tie the Harris-Walz ticket to President Joe Biden’s unpopular socialist agenda.

“When you look at his record over the last few years, what you see are transgender surgeries for minors. Carbon electrical grid by 2040, a driver’s license for illegal immigrants. In function, his abortion policy allows abortion until birth. These are policies that are far to the left of America. And as John McCormick at The Wall Street Journal pointed out, Kamala Harris has to do the exact opposite of what Tim Walz did,” McEnany stated.

She added that picking a member of the far-left like Walz provided Republicans an opening to call Harris a fraud for renouncing all the leftist positions she took when she ran for President in 2020 such as banning fracking, restricting meat consumption, confiscating firearms, and decriminalizing illegal immigration.

 “Tim Walz became more progressive. Kamala Harris is trying to become more moderate. But Republicans are going to say, you’ve shed all your progressive policies, but yet you chose a progressive instead of the guy who outperformed Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Pennsylvania. And that man’s name is Josh Shapiro,” McEnany added.

Passing on Josh Shapiro

McEnany stated that the Trump campaign’s main source of relief came from Harris passing on picking popular Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro (D) as her Vice-Presidential pick.

Putting Shapiro on the ticket may have locked Pennsylvania – and the election – for her.

Republicans were stunned when Harris didn’t pick Shapiro.

But as CNN’s Van Jones pointed out, Harris couldn’t pick Shapiro because of the rising levels of anti-Semitism now baked into the Democrat Party base.

Over on Truth Social, former resident Donald Trump revealed his reaction to the Walz selection.

And it was short and to the point.

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