Democrats begged Kamala Harris to keep this evil plan to herself

Cat2 / Politics

The United States Senate - Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The 2024 election is turning into a dogfight.

Kamala Harris’ momentum is stalling out and the polls are evening up.

And Democrats begged Kamala Harris to keep this evil plan to herself.

Democrats tell Kamala Harris to keep her agenda secret

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) once famously told Americans of Obamacare, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Democrats are now taking that approach to Vice President Kamala Harris by begging her to keep her policy agenda secret, essentially saying the American people need to elect her President to find out what she will do in office.

“Democratic lawmakers call it a savvy strategy. They’d rather lay out a specific plan post-November, when a potential President-elect Harris would have to staff up her administration and determine her governing priorities,” POLITICO reports.

Democrats want the election focused on “vibes” with the idea being if voters frame the election around the choice of a 59-year-old-black woman who the media says is full of “joy” or 78-year-old former President Donald Trump who the media presents as angry, then she will win.

“She doesn’t need to negotiate against herself. We’ve got the biggest possible tent right now,” Representative Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH) told POLITICO. “I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for her to try to weed out any points of view right now.”

“They have very little knowledge about who she is, what her job has actually been,” a swing seat Democrat added. “They know Trump. They know what his policies are. They don’t know Kamala. And so Kamala has a ton of room right now to define herself.”

Why Democrats want Kamala to keep her agenda secret

There is a very good reason Democrats want Kamala to run as a cipher.

The real Kamala Harris is the left-wing radical she campaigned as in her failed 2020 White House run.

She rolled out her first policy initiative – price controls for groceries – that the Washington Post and CNN admitted was copied from communist countries like Venezuela.

The longer Kamala can avoid a policy discussion the harder it will be for Donald Trump to campaign against her because there isn’t anything concrete for him to attack.

Democrats installed Kamala Harris as the nominee despite her never receiving one vote.

Now Democrats want the American people to make her the President of the United States without knowing any policies that she would impose on the country until she is in office.

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