Chuck Schumer suffered one humiliating defeat that blindsided Democrats

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Chuck Schumer is in his final days as Senate Majority Leader.

Schumer is going out in disgrace.

And Chuck Schumer suffered one humiliating defeat that blindsided Democrats.

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema give Democrats one last middle finger 

In one of Chuck Schumer’s final acts as Senate Majority Leader, the New York Democrat tried to ram through Lauren McFerran’s confirmation to the National Labor Relations Board.

Installing McFerran on the board will give Democrats – and by extension Big Labor – control of the board for at least the first year of Trump’s Presidency. 

A Democrat-run National Labor Relations Board would allow union bosses to win approval for rules that make it easier for them to herd more workers under Big Labor’s thumb.

But Schumer got hit with a rude awakening as independent Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin – who both caucus with Democrats – provided the votes to defeat McFerran’s nomination.

“Senators voted 49 to 50 against a five-year term for McFerran, the NLRB’s chair, with Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) voting with almost every Senate Republican to block it,” The Hill reported.

Chuck Schumer was fuming at the embarrassment of two members of his own caucus sinking policy priority for the party.

“It is deeply disappointing, a direct attack on working people, and incredibly troubling that this highly qualified nominee — with a proven track record of protecting worker rights — did not have the votes,” Schumer ranted.

Manchin said he voted against McFerran because she supported a joint employer rule.

“The federal board that oversees labor management relations is proposing a new rule that would make it easier for workers to say they are employed by two employers at once, a move that could open the door to employee claims against businesses that rely on franchisees, contractors or staffing firms,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

This rule would have had the side effect of making it easier for Big Labor to force contract workers into unions which means more forced union dues at their disposal.

Big Labor having access to more forced union dues means more money in the campaign coffers of Democrats and their allied groups.

But Manchin and Sinema owe no allegiance to the Democrat Party.

The socialist base drove them both to change their registration status to independent.

Leftists were enraged that Manchin and Sinema opposed nuking the filibuster, which would allow Democrats to pack the Supreme Court, grant amnesty to illegal aliens, which would create 25,000,000 new Democrat voters, and add D.C., as well as Puerto Rico as new states.

The sum total of these moves would have resulted in the end of competitive elections in America and permanent Democrat Party rule.

Manchin and Sinema then both ended up retiring as opposed to seeking re-election once it became obvious that they couldn’t win another term running as independents.

The two owed Chuck Schumer and the Democrat Party nothing.

And they wanted to make sure everyone knew it with one final act of defiance.

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