All hell broke loose over this undercover video that changed Donald Trump’s life

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Donald Trump never saw it coming.

It was the latest bombshell in the 2024 Election.

And all hell broke loose over this undercover video that changed Donald Trump’s life.

Undercover video shows even top Democrats know charges against Trump are bogus

Conservative commentator Stephen Crowder published a shocking video.

Hidden camera footage taken on July 31 showed Chief of Public Affairs for the Southern District of New York, Nick Biase, admitting that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s falsification of business records case was a politically motivated “mockery of justice” purely designed to interfere in the election.

In the video, Biase explained that Bragg took one allegation that former President Donald Trump mislabeled payments to his former lawyer Michael Cohen to reimburse him for a settlement fee paid to Stormy Daniels as 34 separate felonies by twisting each payment to Cohen into a crime.

“He [Alvin Bragg] was just stacking charges and rearranging things just to make it fit a case,” Biase told his companion.

Biase took an even dimmer view of the case – one that was shared by many liberal legal analysts.

“I think the case is nonsense,” Biase stated. “It’s a perversion of justice.”

“It’s a travesty of justice,’ Biase emphasized.  “It’s a mockery of justice.”

 “The whole thing is disgusting,” Biase said of Bragg’s case.

The motivations behind the charges

Biase then proceeded to explain why Trump faced four criminal indictments.

“They are so obsessed with getting him [Trump],” Biase declared.

When his companion asked who “they” were, Biase said it was Democrats looking to hurt Trump politically.

 “The Democrats … It affects his candidacy if he’s a convicted felon,” Biase responded.

But the plan backfired.

Biase admitted that every time the Democrats charged Trump with a crime, his poll numbers went up.

Prediction markets now list Donald Trump as the favorite to win the election.

“Those felonies did nothing to stop Trump from running … In fact, they made him [Trump] more relevant,” Biase added.

Biase also said state-level prosecutors like Alvin Bragg and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis are a bunch of political hacks that make no bones about the fact they believe the courts serve their partisan ends.

“At the federal level, where I work, there is a 90-day rule where you can’t make any decisions on cases that are going to affect an election [within 90 days of an election],” Biase continued.

“That rule does not apply at the state level because the state level is like the f**king Wild West … They are like idiots. They don’t care. They’re all political,” Biase exclaimed.

And as for Bragg and why he brought this case, Biase said it was because he wants to run for mayor one day and the platform of jailing Trump was his best shot.

“He wants to be, something … a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County. Before he decided to prosecute Trump, did you know who he was? You do now,” Biase claimed.

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