Alina Habba delivered some bad news about Trump going to prison

Cat1 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Trump legal spokeswoman Alina Habba couldn’t believe it got to this point.

But America now finds itself at an inflection point.

And Alina Habba delivered some bad news about Trump going to prison.

Donald Trump faces sentencing on July 11

The Democrat Party secured the guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump that many hoped would tilt the election to President Joe Biden.

Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg invented a novel legal theory to charge Trump with fake crimes.

Judge Juan Merchan – a Joe Biden campaign donor – rigged the trial to ensure a guilty verdict by essentially functioning as an arm of the prosecution with his rulings and jury instructions.

Merchan then set a sentencing hearing for Trump on July 11, which not coincidentally happens to be four days before the start of the Republican National Convention.

Polls show the conviction hasn’t moved the race and Merchan now faces the question of sentencing Trump.

Real America’s Voice’s Charlie Kirk asked Habba if she thought Merchan would jail Trump.

Bragg convicted Trump on the lowest level felony on the books and the normal sentence would be a fine or probation.

But if Merchan hands down such a sentence it confirms that this was nothing more than a political show trial.

Alina Habba’s prediction

Those factors are why Habba believes Merchan will sentence Trump to jail.

“I think they want to,” Habba stated.

Habba said this was political from the get go so Merchan will see it through to the end to try and help Biden beat Trump.

“I think that’s their best ticket…to try and win the election,” Habba continued.

She told Kirk that “they [Democrats] don’t have a candidate currently. They have a puppet who has embarrassed our country, who has led it to its demise in a very tragic way.”

Habba said Joe Biden was mentally enfeebled and unpopular due to his socialist agenda that he can’t win on his own stating that “statistics and facts don’t lie. People looking at their bank accounts don’t lie. That speaks the loudest.”

Democrats’ backs are up against the wall and Habba said they don’t care if they completely destroy faith in the judicial and electoral systems by jailing Trump on sham crimes months before the election.

“So I think what they have to do is jail their opponent,” Habba stated. 

“This will be a new low for America, it already is, frankly,” Habba declared.

She repeated a point she previously made that America is already in a scary place because the President’s personal lawyer should be a completely anonymous figure.

“I said when I opened up my show at the event for you, nobody should know who President Trump’s lawyer is. That’s not the world we live in,” Habba lamented.

Habba closed with a prediction.

Merchan knows jailing Trump would be heavy-handed and invite backlash.

That’s why Habba believes Merchan will try to meddle in the election more subtly by sentencing Trump to house arrest to prevent him from campaigning for the duration of the election.

“So I think they’ll try and put him in jail. If the judge wants to appear measured – which by far he’s not let me be clear – but if he wants to give the appearance of being measured he will give him something like a house arrest that will keep him off the campaign trail,” Habba warned.

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