A Supreme Court Justice may get impeached over this shocking photo

Cat2 / Politics

U.S. Department of State, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme Court is under attack like never before.

One of the longest-serving justices is facing a firestorm.

And now a Supreme Court Justice may get impeached over this shocking photo.

Media ramps up smear campaign against Justice Alito

The New York Times keeps trying to smear Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

The Times already ran one fake hit piece trying to frame him as an insurrectionist because his wife once flew an upside-down American flag at their home after an unhinged Democrat neighbor lashed out at her.

Now the left-wing rag is at it again.

The Times is claiming Alito is an insurrectionist because he flew a flag commissioned by George Washington during the Revolutionary War called the “Appeal to Heaven.”

According to The Times, this flag – which 99.99% of Americans had never heard of before this story – was now a symbol of the “stop the steal movement” because of an obscure pastor and one or two people waving it on January 6.

“This time, it was the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it dates back to the Revolutionary War, but largely fell into obscurity until recent years and is now a symbol of support for former President Donald J. Trump, for a religious strand of the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms,” The Times stated.

“On Jan. 6, the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag was prominent: at the Washington Monument, where throngs gathered to hear President Trump deliver a speech contesting the election results, and later above the angry mob that surrounded the Capitol. The flag was visible above clashes with law enforcement on the building’s west terrace, as rioters breached police lines underneath the scaffolding set up for President Biden’s inauguration, and finally, inside the building,” The Times reported.

An absurd attack on Justice Alito

The “Appeal to Heaven” is a white flag with a pine tree and the phrase on it.

And according to The Times, the messages date back to famed 16th-century philosopher John Locke – an influential Enlightenment thinker and known as the “father of liberalism” – and stands for fighting back against tyrannical rule.

“The phrase ‘appeal to heaven’ comes from the 17th-century philosopher John Locke, who wrote of a responsibility to rebel, even use violence, to overthrow unjust rule,” The Times reports.

The flag is so non-noncontroversial that the character Ron Swanson – the libertarian ideologue played by Nick Offerman on the hit NBC show Parks and Rec – displayed it on his desk.

HBO also featured it in the intro to the 2008 miniseries John Adams.

Why The Times continually attacks Justice Alito

Later on in the story, The Times actually cut to the meat of the matter.

These flag incidents at Alito’s home were one and three years ago respectively.

There is no new value in them except in the current context of what’s happening at the Supreme Court.

The three Times reporters who worked on the piece are panicked that Justice Alito will be part of a conservative majority that curtails Jack Smith’s sham January 6 charges by agreeing with Donald Trump that the President has immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts in office.

“In coming weeks, the justices will rule on that case, which could scuttle some of the charges against Mr. Trump, as well as on whether he is immune from prosecution for actions he took while president. Their decisions will shape how accountable he can be held for trying to overturn the last presidential election and his chances at regaining the White House in the next one,” The Times reported.

The Times wants to delegitimize that decision so if the Democrats win total control of Washington in November, they can pack the Supreme Court with up to six left-wing justices and create a permanent Democrat majority.

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