A hot mic picked up John Kennedy in this private conversation that no one was supposed to hear

Cat2 / Politics

Treasurer Ron Henson from USA, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Senator John Kennedy is known for his folksy soundbites.

But those comments are for public consumption.

And now a hot mic picked up John Kennedy in this private conversation that no one was supposed to hear.

Hot mic picks up comment slamming Joe Biden

President Joe Biden unveiled a phony border executive order to try and fool the American people into thinking he’s taking steps to solve the illegal immigration crisis that he created.

The order is a joke.

It supposedly “seals” the border once 2,500 illegal aliens cross the border every day.

The order will also likely never take effect.

That’s because left-wing activists will sue in hand-picked jurisdiction where they know a Democrat judge will issue a nationwide injunction.

Biden will then likely not choose to appeal ending the matter once and for all.

Senate Republicans held a press conference to slam Biden’s kabuki theater on the border.

But it was what happened after the press conference that drew the headlines.

A hot mic picked up U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) telling U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) that “bottom line, never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.”

Biden’s latest lie about his background

Joe Biden routinely invents stories about his background and his family members.

At this point no one can tell if he’s outright lying or he’s just so senile he can no longer tell the difference between fiction and reality.

In the past, he fabricated a story about trying to give his Uncle Frank a Purple Heart medal when he was Vice President, but that his uncle refused.

Biden’s Uncle Frank passed away in 1999, a full nine years before he said this story took place.

Biden’s cannibal fabulism involves his uncle Second Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr.

During a recent trip to Pennsylvania, Biden claimed Finnegan’s plane crashed in Papa New Guinea during World War II and that cannibals ate his uncle.

“He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time,” Biden stated. “They never recovered his body.”

“They never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals for real in that part of New Guinea,” Biden added.

This was a lie.

Military records show Biden’s uncle died when his plane crashed at sea.

“What the report said was that on May 14, 1944, Ambrose was a passenger on an A-20 Havoc plane with a crew of three making a courier flight to an airfield in New Guinea,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

“Both of the plane’s engines failed at low altitude, ‘and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard,’ according to the report. Two crew members as well as Finnegan were lost in the crash, while one crew member survived. There was no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members,” the Inquirer report continued.

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