Kamala Harris’ handlers flew into a state of panic over this post-debate poll

Cat2 / Politics

Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Americans had a snap reaction to the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

It will give Democrats pause.

And Kamala Harris’ handlers flew into a state of panic over this post-debate poll.

CNN’s post-debate poll shows troubling signs for Kamala Harris

On the surface, CNN’s snap poll following the debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris showed a big night for Democrats.

CNN’s survey of debate watchers showed Kamala won by a 63 to 37 percent margin.

But that appears to be a product of viewers not liking the way Trump presented himself.

However, when voters were asked about the substance of the debate, Trump emerged as the clear winner.

He gained ground with voters on who was best suited to handle the economy.

Debate watchers weren’t impressed with Kamala’s attempts to reassure them that she had a plan to make their lives better.

Americans still remember the booming economy under Trump.

CNN reported that its poll showed “voters who tuned in gave Trump a 20-point advantage over Harris after the debate on handling the economy, 55% to 35% – a margin that’s slightly wider than his pre-debate edge.”

Trump held a huge advantage over her on the border.

“Debate watchers also gave Trump a 23-point advantage over Harris when it came to whom they trusted to handle immigration,” CNN reported.

Despite voters not liking Trump’s debate style they still viewed him as a stronger leader than Kamala.

“Identical shares of debate watchers, 54%, said that they had at least some confidence in Harris’ and Trump’s respective abilities to lead the country, with 36% saying they had a lot of confidence in Trump and 32% that they had a lot of confidence in Harris,” CNN reported that Trump also held “a 6-point edge on handling the role of commander in chief.”

The flaws in Kamala Harris’ performance

Kamala Harris used her time on the debate stage to bait Trump into losing his cool with digs about his rally crowd sizes and the phony criminal indictments Democrats brought against him.

But what she spent no time on was detailing her plans to combat inflation.

Even cheerleaders like CNN’s Jake Tapper commented on Kamala Harris’ calorie-free comments on policy and warned it wouldn’t be enough to move swing voters.

“I’m not sure Harris necessarily did enough to fill in the blanks that undecided voters might have about specifics about her plans,” Tapper said on CNN.

CNN’s own poll showed Trump won the debate on substance.

Republicans believe that’s the sweet spot for Trump for the remainder of the campaign.

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