The Biden campaign’s latest propaganda attack against Donald Trump just went up in smoke

Cat1 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is doing everything it can to bail water from its sinking ship.

They’ve reached the point in which they’re just throwing propaganda narratives against the wall in the hope something sticks and completely transforms voter sentiment.

But the Biden campaign’s latest propaganda attack against Donald Trump just went up in smoke.

Democrats are simply recycling propaganda

The official Biden campaign X account, @BidenHQ, recently posted a new ad in which they claim former President Donald Trump “tear gassed peaceful protestors outside the White House” for a photo-op while he was in office.

The post focused on a photo Trump had taken with a Bible outside St. John’s Episcopal Church during the summer of 2020 near Lafayette Square Park in Washington, D.C.

Trump had stopped to take the photo while walking from the White House to St. John’s in the midst of the nationwide woke extremist riots perpetrated by Democrats’ allies with Black Lives Matter and Antifa in response to George Floyd’s death.

The church had suffered significant damage after being set ablaze by woke extremist protestors, and Trump visited it to show support for those impacted while also further opposing the violence and lawlessness being perpetrated by Democrats.

But almost immediately after the former President posted the photo online, Democrats and their media allies began spinning a tangled web of propaganda lies to claim that in order to get the photo, law enforcement – under Trump’s direction – “forcefully” cleared the protesters from Lafayette Square.

There is still a full Wikipedia page entitled “Donald Trump photo op at St. John’s Church” that claims in its opening paragraph that “law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square, creating a path for President Donald Trump and senior administration officials to walk from the White House to St. John’s Episcopal Church.”

Instantly debunked

But as Breitbart pointed out in a fact check, even though the Biden campaign is now reviving the story in the hope it’ll somehow save their sinking ship, that claim was thoroughly debunked years ago.

Breitbart noted that it was the Biden U.S. Department of Interior that released a report on the matter in June 2021 that “exonerated Trump from claims that he had tear-gassed peaceful protesters gathered in Lafayette Square in June 2020.”

In that report, the Biden-controlled Inspector General laid out what had transpired in and around Lafayette Square Park amidst the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in the days leading up to Trump’s photo, revealing that between May 30 and 31 alone “49 [U.S. Park Police] officers were injured while policing the protests.”

As such, the Secret Service and U.S. Park Police [USPP] determined that to deal with the violent left-wing lawlessness, it was necessary to expand the White House security perimeter by erecting “anti-scale fencing to establish a more secure perimeter around Lafayette Square.”

And ultimately, the report determined that the park was never cleared for a Trump photo-op, but rather because the violent left-wing rioters posed an imminent threat to the contractors who were hired to erect the barricades that were only necessary because of said violent left-wing rioters’ lawlessness.

“The USPP, in coordination with the Secret Service, determined that it was necessary to clear protesters from the area in and around the park to enable the contractor’s employees to safely install the fence,” the report revealed.

“We did not obtain evidence suggesting that the USPP cleared Lafayette Park so the President could visit St. John’s Church,” the Biden-controlled Inspector General concluded.

Furthermore, the report also found that neither the Secret Service, USPP, nor any other law enforcement agency under Trump’s command ever used any tear gas, much less rubber bullets, against the protesters.

The Inspector General did, however, find that tear gas was used by the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department under the direction of – wait for it – Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser.

But as Joe Biden’s latest propaganda attack ad proves, none of the actual facts of the story have ever stopped Democrats from repeating their verifiable lies.

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