Megyn Kelly was stunned to hear this reality check about Hunter Biden’s trial

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Hunter Biden is about to stand trial on criminal charges of tax evasion and lying on a background check form when he purchased a handgun.

This case just scratched the surface of the allegations against him.

And Megyn Kelly was stunned to hear this reality check about Hunter Biden’s trial.

Media tries to use Hunter Biden trial to humanize Joe Biden

Polls show the American people think Donald Trump was a more successful President than Joe Biden.

Voters trust Trump on the border, the economy, and inflation.

That’s part of the reason why Trump leads Biden both nationally and in swing state polls.

The culture of corruption surrounding the Biden family and allegations of criminality also dragged his number down.

Pro-Biden journalists are trying to turn his weakness on corruption into a strength.

POLITICO sought to portray Joe Biden as the true victim of his son facing multiple felony counts in a trial that begins in June.

An article appeared on the left-wing website about the Hunter Biden trial had the headline “Biden aides worry about psychological torment as Hunter heads for trial.”

Dan Bongino tells Megyn Kelly corruption allegations ‘baked into the cake’ for Biden

Popular conservative podcaster Dan Bongino doesn’t think the press rallying around Joe Biden during the Hunter Biden trial will work.

Appearing on Megyn Kelly’s show, Bongino explained that Joe Biden’s been caught in so many lies about his involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings that no one will believe he is simply an aggrieved father.

“I think this case is different and I’ll tell you why,” Bongino said. “Because Biden has transparently lied about it. I mean, and not — he hasn’t kind of like, obliquely lied about it. He has transparently lied and said, ‘I knew nothing about my son’s business.’ Now that story has evolved — ‘evolved’ — and morphed into five or six different iterations. But Biden’s in a little bit of — Trump’s story never changed. He’s like, ‘I don’t know anything about this, even if I did, it’s not illegal.’”

Bongino argued that “martyring” Joe Biden would fail because the American people think he is corrupt.

“Martyring Joe Biden here, I don’t think works. But I will say too that I think the ‘Joe Biden is corrupt’ narrative is at this point, is kind of baked in the cake. I don’t think it hurts anyone. I think it’s legally the right thing to do, to prosecute Hunter Biden so ‘nobody’s above the law’ thing. You wanna, okay, you guys said that. Now nobody is. I’m not sure, I think Joe Biden right now at this point is on terminal decline electorally whether Hunter Biden’s guilty or not. It’s not gonna help him, but I just don’t think it hurts him anymore because he’s, he’s going down no matter what,” Bongino concluded.

Bongino wasn’t just hoping this was the case.

Polling data backed up his declaration that the American people already judged Joe Biden guilty.

A CNN poll from September found 61 percent – a supermajority – think Joe Biden either acted criminally or unethically with regard to Hunter Biden’s businesses.

Hunter Biden’s main business skill looked to be trading off his father’s name.

The question remains what the foreign oligarchs paying Hunter Biden and his family members millions expected in return.

Americans can’t get past that doubt.

And that’s why the media’s attempt at damage control for Joe Biden over the Hunter Biden trial won’t work.

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