Joe Biden got some bad news that he never expected to hear

Cat1 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joe Biden thought he had a magic bullet to erase his polling deficit against Donald Trump.

He wanted to put his theory of the case to the test.

And Joe Biden got some bad news that he never expected to hear.

Democrats think abortion issue will tip the election in their favor

Arizona is now ground zero for the Democrat argument that putting abortion front and center will hand President Joe Biden a second term.

The Arizona State Supreme Court recently ruled that a Pro-Life law that ends abortion in all cases except when the mother’s life is in danger will take effect.

Democrats have a referendum on the ballot in November that will codify abortion-on-demand up until birth designed to spike their turnout.

But the first batch of polling data shows Democrats – as well as former President Donald Trump – may have misread the room.

Polling shows abortion-on-demand is not a winning issue

Trump campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio released internal polling that asked Arizonans an open-ended question about what news story interested them the most.

“Over the past couple of days, what ONE story about politics or world affairs has captured your attention enough that you are following that story?” the poll asked.

The number one story listed was the Arizona abortion ruling.

POLITICO reported that according to the poll “thirteen percent cited ‘Border/illegal immigration/open border,’ while 16% cited ‘Abortion/women’s rights’ or ‘Arizona abortion ruling/abortion ban.’ The war in Gaza was tied with abortion as the top issue.”

But when asked what was the number one issue, the border came in at number one and abortion was far down the list.

Fabrizo’s polling memo made sure to note that the voters listing abortion as their top issue were Democrats and that it barely registered with persuadable voters.

“Arizona voters say that immigration and border security is their top issue when it comes to deciding their votes for President – roughly three times as many as those who say abortion.

Again, by far it is Democrats who cite abortion while Indies and persuadables rank it much lower,” Fabrizo’s polling memo read.

The poll also showed that Trump maintained a four-point lead over Biden in Arizona, a statistically insignificant change from a Wall Street Journal poll taken before the ruling that showed him leading Biden by five.

Both parties misjudge the issue

Both Democrats and Republicans overestimated the popularity of abortion-on-demand.

This poll shows abortion is not “one weird trick” that will win Democrats the election, but it also shows Donald Trump’s muddled message on abortion was aimed at an electorate that doesn’t exist.


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