Jill Biden told her husband six words about his debate performance that put jaws on the floor

Cat2 / Politics

Creator:James Pan, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden had one of the worst debate performances in history.

The Left-wing press couldn’t even paint a positive picture of his performance. 

But Jill Biden told her husband six words about his debate performance that put jaws on the floor.

Joe Biden botches first Presidential debate

For months, polls have shown that the majority of Americans believe President Joe Biden is too old and senile to serve another four years in office.

But White House insiders and their allies in the media have repeatedly pushed back against the notion that Biden is suffering from rapidly declining mental and physical abilities.

Americans got a first-hand look at Biden’s cognitive abilities when he faced off against former President Donald Trump in a 90-minute debate hosted by CNN.

Of course, the debate rules were designed to help Biden.

There was no audience, the press wasn’t allowed to attend, and Trump and Biden’s microphones were turned off when it wasn’t their turn to speak.

But Biden’s senility was too much for CNN’s rigged rules to make a difference.

He mumbled, sounded raspy, and appeared to lose track of his thoughts on multiple occasions during the 90-minute debate.

“Biden’s performance at the debate has been almost universally panned by commentators due to his inarticulate speaking and unstable demeanor,” Fox News reported. “Repeated stammering, long periods of silence and facial expressions that conveyed intense confusion have convinced some of Biden’s loudest cheerleaders that the president must step down from the re-election campaign.”

Biden even fumbled his scripted closing remarks.

His performance was so bad that New York Times columnist Tom Friedman called on him to drop out of the race.

“I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep,” Friedman wrote. “I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime — precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election.” 

Jill Biden shocks America

A post-debate CNN poll found 67% named Donald Trump as the winner on Thursday.

After the debate, Joe Biden attended an after-party with his wife, First Lady Jill Biden.

They went up on stage to speak to the audience at the live event.

And Jill put jaws on the floor when she told Joe that “you did such a great job.”

“Joe, you did such a great job!” Jill said. “You answered every question, you knew all the facts!” 

“And let me ask the crowd, ‘what did Trump do?’” Jill continued, before answering her own question by shouting “lie” at the audience.

Of course, many believe that pressure from Jill is the only reason why Joe is running for a second term.

She understands that the Biden crime family may be brought to justice if Joe is no longer calling the shots in the White House.

But nothing Jill can do or say will change Joe Biden’s dismal performance on Thursday. 

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