Fani Willis is going to have to answer in court for this racist comment

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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ problems keep piling up.

Her witch hunt against Donald Trump is crumbling more each day.

And Fani Willis is going to have to answer in court for this racist comment.

Trump lawyers request oral arguments in disqualification motion appeal

The Georgia Court of Appeals docketed a motion to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the 2020 Election case against former President Donald Trump for October 4.

Trump’s lawyer Steve Sadow filed a motion to have oral arguments in the case.

“President Trump has filed his request for oral argument in the Georgia Court of Appeals, currently calendared for October. We believe oral argument will assist the Court by highlighting and clarifying the reasons why the case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified for her misconduct,” Sadow told Newsweek.

Sadow’s motion to disqualify Willis centered its argument on comments Willis made at a Black church last January where she played the race card and attacked her critics as bigots.

Her comments came after she faced criticism over hiring her lover Nathan Wade as special prosecutor in the Trump case – where Wade raked in $654,000 in legal fees – despite the fact that he had never worked a felony case before.

“In this speech, DA Willis injected race and her communications with God into the case (and the prospective jury pool) and stoked racial animus against the defendants and their counsel by, among other statements, asking God why the defendants challenged her conduct in hiring a black man but not his white counterparts, and why the judgment of a black female Democrat was not as good as white male Republicans,” Sadow argued.

Willis comments

At an Atlanta church on January 14, Willis made prejudicial comments about how the only reason she came under attack wasn’t because of her conduct, but her skin color.

“They are going to be mad when I call them out on this nonsense,” Willis stated. “First thing they say, ‘Oh, she’s going to play the race card.’ But … isn’t it them playing the race card when they think I need someone in some other jurisdiction in some other state to tell me how to do a job I’ve been doing almost 30 years?”

In a controversial ruling that allowed Willis to remain in the case – a ruling which is now before the Court of Appeals – Judge Scott McAfee took her to task for smearing the defendants in the case as racists.

“When referring to her detractors throughout the speech, she frequently utilized the plural ‘they.’ The State argues the speech was not aimed at any of the defendants in this case. Maybe so. But maybe not,” McAfee stated. “Therein lies the danger of public comment by a prosecuting attorney.”

The Georgia Court of Appeals scheduling this case for October 4 means there is no chance it will go to trial before the election.

And if the court disqualifies Willis from this case, then the strong likelihood is that this case won’t go to trial at all.

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