Barack Obama is scared as hell over 2024 for this reason

Cat2 / Politics

Neon Tommy, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Barack Obama’s been meeting in secret with Joe Biden about the 2024 race.

He had one message for Biden.

And Barack Obama is scared as hell over 2024 for this reason.

Barack Obama and Biden meet about 2024

The Washington Post set off a flurry of anxiety throughout the Democrat Party with a report that former President Barack Obama was secretly meeting with President Joe Biden about the 2024 Election and that he was worried about the state of the race.

Obama never had much respect for Biden’s political acumen.

In 2015, Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton as his successor.

As Biden’s campaign struggled in the early 2020 primaries Obamaworld leaked how Obama never really wanted Biden to run in the first place.

He looked like another in the long line of Democrats who privately think Biden is a senile fool but support him in public because they have no other option.

In a new report in New York Magazine, Obama tried to calm those fears through targeted leaks while also passing the buck on any blame for Biden losing.

Gabriel Debenedetti of New York Magazine reported that Obama thinks former President Donald Trump very well could win the election but it’s not because he thinks Biden is impaired beyond all hope.

“Though ‘his anxiety about the election is real,’ in the words of one Obama friend, the ex-president’s concerns sounded a lot like those of other top Democrats, according to others who’ve spoken with him,” Debenedetti wrote.

“Those who are in regular touch with Obama say these nerves are not a reflection of any particular angst about Biden or his team but of the broader reality: The country is closely divided, the media landscape is fractured, and Donald Trump may very well win,” Debenedetti added.

Obamaworld looks to shift blame

In the 2020 and 2022 Election cycles, Obama played a major role for Democrats in the closing days of the campaign.

Biden and his team look to deploy Obama to try and short up his lagging support with young voters.

In the 2008 and 2012 campaigns, Obama defined the cultural liberalism that inspired a generation of young professional liberals who lived in big cities to become rabid Democrats.

But Debenedetti wrote that Democrats realize that 18-year-olds in 2024 were six the last time Obama was on the ballot and for this cohort, their experiences under Trump and Biden defined their political outlook. 

Debenedetti reported Democrats are referencing a quote from popular The Breakfast Club radio host Charlamagne tha God who spoke of Obama as a man from a previous generation who has nothing to say to today’s youth.

“He just don’t feel like he’s of this moment. And maybe that’s his own doing,” Charlamagne said about Obama. 

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s one of the best speakers of all time. But I just don’t know what he could say in this moment that’s going to move people,” Charlamagne added.

That may sound like Democrats are being critical of Obama.

But it’s more likely these leaks are coming from sources close to Obama who want the word out now to the press to not blame him in any campaign postmortems because he never undermined Biden with leaks about his senility and that Democrats can’t count on him to work his magic with today’s youth like he did with the young voters from his day.

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