White House insiders just revealed why Michelle Obama has been missing from Joe Biden’s campaign

Cat2 / Politics

The White House. Amanda Lucidon, photographer., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Since he is elderly and senile, most Americans expected Joe Biden to step aside at the end of his first term and pass the torch to someone else.

Many Americans still believe Democrats will replace him at the last minute with someone like Michelle Obama.

And White House insiders just revealed why Michelle Obama has been missing from Joe Biden’s campaign.

Joe Biden’s age and senility are the biggest drags on his re-election chances this fall.

The overwhelming majority of Americans believe Joe Biden is too old to serve another term as President.

Polls show that former First Lady Michelle Obama is the most popular figure in the entire Democrat Party.

Michelle Obama rumored replacement for Joe Biden

Back in February, former First Lady Michelle Obama topped California Governor Gavin Newsom, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Hillary Clinton in a poll of who Democrats believe could best replace President Joe Biden on the ticket this fall.

But Michelle Obama has repeatedly declared that she has no desire to run for President.

However, rumors are circulating that she also is not thrilled about campaigning for Biden due to how Hunter Biden treated his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, after their messy divorce.

Even though former President Barack Obama has appeared at numerous fundraisers for Joe Biden, Michelle hasn’t joined him at any of the events.

Barack Obama frequently shills for Biden on social media whereas Michelle’s support has been noticeably absent.

Michelle Obama’s break with Joe Biden

Axios just released a bombshell report on the tension between the two families.

“Former First Lady Michelle Obama privately has expressed frustration over how the Biden family largely exiled her close friend Kathleen Buhle after Buhle’s messy divorce from Hunter Biden,” Axios reported. “The family tensions — and the former first lady’s disdain for partisan politics — are partly why one of the Democrats’ most popular voices hasn’t campaigned for President Biden’s re-election, the sources said, even as former President Obama has been a willing surrogate.” 

“Michelle Obama also was initially reluctant to campaign for Biden after he became the Democratic nominee in 2020, people familiar with the situation told Axios,” Axios added.

In 2017, Buhle testified against Hunter Biden.

And in 2022, she published a memoir where she revealed more insider details about his troubles.

“President Biden and much of the family deeply resented that Buhle wrote a memoir in 2022 that largely focused on her marriage with Hunter and his addictions,” Axios noted.

Since Michelle is close with Buhle, she wasn’t happy about how the Biden family has treated her.

“Buhle had to deal with Hunter’s drug use and infidelity — and then Biden family members blamed Buhle for some of the salacious details of his behavior becoming public,” Axios reported.

Of course, White House officials vehemently denied the report and dismissed the rumors as false.

“The Biden and Obama families are like family to one another, and whomever made these claims about that relationship isn’t familiar with it,” a White House spokesman said. “The former President and First Lady have been two of the strongest supporters of President Biden’s leadership and agenda.”

But a representative for Michelle Obama didn’t outright deny the rumors.

She admitted that Michelle was close friends with Hunter’s ex, but said she does back Biden’s re-election efforts.

“Two things can be true,” Obama’s representative said.

The Michelle Obama rumors are yet another headache for Joe Biden’s struggling campaign.

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