Trey Gowdy exposed the one weakness that may cost Kamala Harris the election

Cat2 / Politics

US House of Representatives, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is all set to accept the Democrat nomination for President.

She became the nominee without anyone voting for her.

And now Trey Gowdy exposed the one weakness that may cost Kamala Harris the election.

Kamala Harris’ weaknesses

Fox News host Trey Gowdy beseeched former President Donald Trump to drop his lines of attack about how Vice President Kamala Harris failed her bar exam the first time and focus on the policies she imposed on the country that made voters’ lives worse.

“What is on people’s mind is the border, the economy, inflation, crime, national security. If you are talking about anything other than that, then you are talking about the wrong thing, race, gender, IQ scores? LSAT scores?” Gowdy began.

Gowdy explained that the only argument Donald Trump needed to make to the voters was to ask Kamala Harris why she needs four more years to fix the border and inflation when she is already in a position of power right now.

“No one cares about that. She was the co-pilot of the Titanic. That’s what he needs to say on day one you are going to do something? This is day 1,001. What have you done? Have you been the co-pilot of where we are now? That’s all he needs to talk about. And anything else is a wasted opportunity…” Gowdy added.

What the Democrats hope to do in Chicago

The Democrats have a mobile van outside the convention to perform abortions and castrate men.

Their platform includes the most radical amnesty bill in American history.

Despite all this, Gowdy told Fox News host Bret Baier that the Democrats would try and package Kamala into a more palatable version of herself for swing voters.

“If they are smart, they will try to present a moderate face at least for that week as difficult as that may be for them. I find it fascinating, Bret, people currently in office are talking about the future. Why don’t you do it today? Why don’t you do it tomorrow?” Gowdy continued.

But Gowdy wasn’t sure how that would sell since for that marketing gimmick to work Kamala would have to convince voters the last four years didn’t happen.

“You actually are driving the car that most Americans think is headed in the wrong direction. I mean, surely my fellow citizens are not going to fall for this on day one on day 1,001,” Gowdy concluded.

The polls in the race stabilized and Kamala’s surge began to recede.

Models show the election is a pure tossup.

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