Ron DeSantis lowered the boom on Democrats with this epic takedown of Kamala Harris

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris obtained the required number of delegates needed to secure the Democrat Presidential nomination.

But Ron DeSantis just rained on the Democrats’ parade.

And Ron DeSantis lowered the boom on Democrats with this epic takedown of Kamala Harris.

Ron DeSantis calls out the cover-up of Biden’s decline 

Vice President Kamala Harris emerged as the Democrat Party’s de facto nominee following President Joe Biden’s departure from the race.

Biden dropped out on Sunday and by Tuesday, Harris announced that she had already secured enough delegates to win the nomination.

Of course, Harris hasn’t received a single vote this cycle.

She was selected as Biden’s replacement by Democrat Party insiders.

As expected, the left-wing media is all-in for her.

During a speech at St. Petersburg College, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ripped the media for its role in covering up Biden’s decline.

“They had basically tried to cover it,” he said.

DeSantis pointed out how they attacked anyone who dared to question Biden’s mental fitness for office.

“If you had said Biden wasn’t up to the job three months ago, they would say you’re a conspiracy theorist,” DeSantis stated. “Then once it was made bare for the whole world to see, they immediately started saying, ‘Hey, this guy has got to go.’” 

The Florida Governor admitted that most Republicans would have preferred to see Trump take on Biden in November.

“So I think it’s going to be a very interesting three or four weeks in the political scene, we preferred to run against Biden,” DeSantis explained. “I think that was clear because the majority of the, I think it was like 85% of the public thought that he was not equipped to serve for four more years as President.”

Trump is still the favorite over Harris 

However, DeSantis expressed his confidence in Trump’s ability to defeat Kamala Harris or “whoever comes.”

Even though Biden was his preferred Democrat candidate, DeSantis said Harris would be the next easiest for Trump to beat in the election.

“If I had to pick someone, I would probably pick Harris,” DeSantis said. “Her tenure as VP has been disastrous.”

He brought up examples of Harris’ far-left record.

“She basically said, ‘Have an open border,’” DeSantis noted. “She wants taxpayer-funded health care and benefits for illegal aliens – she doesn’t think you should deport somebody that’s come illegally.” 

He also reminded Americans that Harris supports socialized medicine.

“She wanted to get rid of all private health insurance, and said, ‘Let’s just junk all that.’ Really? How many of you want the government to take away your private health insurance?” DeSantis asked. “She supported confiscatory tax increases, she’s been weak on crime, and now she’s saying she’s a prosecutor, she was raising funds to bail out the rioters during the BLM riots and 2020 – are you kidding me?”

But DeSantis warned that Democrats could turn on Harris before the convention.

If Harris “falls on her face over the next few weeks,” DeSantis said.

He added that Democrat delegates would be happy to stab her in the back because they would do what “the powers that be say.”

Only time will tell if Kamala Harris is at the top of the ticket this fall for Democrats.

But their candidate will be a woke socialist no matter who it is.

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