Megyn Kelly was shocked when four veterans revealed the truth about Tim Walz’s service in the National Guard

Cat2 / Politics

Screenshot via YouTube, Megyn Kelly Show

Tim Walz’s stolen valor scandal has been one major headache for Kamala Harris and the Democrats.

But it’s about to get much worse for their campaign.

And Megyn Kelly was shocked when four veterans revealed the truth about Tim Walz’s service in the National Guard.

Tim Walz busted in a lie about Army National Guard record

Vice President Kamala Harris could be starting to regret selecting Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

Walz has a record of supporting the radical Left’s most extreme policies.

He signed a bill allowing abortion-on-demand up until birth with no restrictions, signed an executive order that guaranteed children the “right” to have a sex change operation – without parental consent – put tampons in the boys’ bathrooms, gave driver’s licenses and free handouts to illegal aliens, cheered on the Black Lives Matter rioters who destroyed Minneapolis, and supports virtually every other item on the woke agenda.

But it’s not Walz’s far-left record that is causing the biggest headache for Democrats.

It’s his inability to tell the truth about his military service.

Walz has been accused of stolen valor after he falsely claimed that he served in war as a member of the Army National Guard. 

While pushing gun control to a crowd during a speech in 2018, Walz claimed that he carried a weapon of war in a war in the National Guard. 

He never deployed to a combat zone.

Walz also lied about his rank.

He claimed that he retired as a Command Sergeant Major, one of the highest ranks for a non-commissioned officer.

But Walz never earned the promotion to Command Sergeant Major since he retired before his unit deployed to Iraq.

The Harris-Walz campaign has continuously claimed that he misspoke about his service and his rank.

But what four veterans who served with Walz told former Fox News host Megyn Kelly has most Americans doubting the claim that he only misspoke.

“Four veterans who knew Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) spoke about his service in the National Guard — and his subsequent claims about that service — during an interview with podcast host Megyn Kelly that was released on Monday,” the Daily Wire reported. “The four spoke with Kelly about the multiple controversies surrounding Walz’s own characterizations of his 24 years of service, from his claim that he retired without knowing that his unit was set to deploy to Iraq to his repeated statements about ‘retiring as a Command Sergeant Major,’ and they had very few positive things to say about the man now vying for the vice presidency alongside Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.”

Veteran Paul Herr told Kelly that Walz is “a habitual liar.” 

“He lies about everything,” Herr said. “He lies about stuff that doesn’t make sense.”

“We have stolen valor [because] people make decisions that are cowardly, and they come back and they try to live vicariously by robbing all the other soldiers of all the benefits and all the sacrifices,” Herr added.

Sergeant Major Tom Behrends went so far as to call for Walz to be locked up with the terrorists at Gitmo.

“He’s a military impersonator,” Behrends said. “He took his uniform, and he literally turned it inside out and went off into whatever other realm he did, which was vote against anything that went on in Iraq, vote against Gitmo, vote against whatever.”

“And by the way, Gitmo would be a good place for him to end up at,” Behrends added.

Unlike Walz, Herr and Behrends both retired as Command Sergeant Majors.

The four veterans blew Walz’s phony narrative that he misspoke out of the water and exposed him for the liar that he is.

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