Karine Jean-Pierre flew into a rage when Peter Doocy asked her this hilarious question about Kamala Harris

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia

Karine Jean-Pierre has had a rough time during her stint as White House Press Secretary.

But Kamala Harris emerging as the Democrat Party’s Presidential nominee is creating even more headaches for her.

And Karine Jean-Pierre flew into a rage when Peter Doocy asked her this hilarious question about Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris is a Hollywood production

Vice President Kamala Harris has a long history of supporting far-left policies and pushing the woke agenda.

The press is working around the clock to sweep her left-wing record under the rug and keep voters in the dark about the real Kamala Harris.

But she can’t help but show Americans how much of a phony she really is.

It’s not just her positions on the issues that seem to be constantly changing.

It’s also her accent.

She completely changes her accent depending on where she is speaking at the time.

Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy recently asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre when Kamala Harris picked up a new accent.

“Since when does the Vice President have what sounds like a Southern accent?” Doocy asked Jean-Pierre.

A confused Jean-Pierre responded with “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Doocy explained how Kamala “was talking about unions in Detroit using one tone of voice” before Jean-Pierre interrupted.

“Is this something that you think,” Jean-Pierre injected.

“Same line,” Doocy replied about Kamala using two accents when speaking the same line. “She used the same line in Pittsburgh, and it sounded like she at least had some kind of a southern drawl.”

Karine Jean-Pierre gets flustered

Once again, Jean-Pierre interrupted him in a fit of rage. 

“I mean, do you hear the question that you’re – I mean, do you think Americans seriously think that this is an important question?” Jean-Pierre fumed. “They care – you know what they care about? They care about the economy, they care about lowering costs, they care about healthcare –  that’s what Americans care about.” 

But Jean-Pierre should know by now that Doocy is not one to back down and let her off the hook.

“Well, this is something,” Doocy said before Jean-Pierre cut him off.

“They care about your – your colleague just asked me about – basically, we talked about – went back and forth about democracy and freedom – that’s what they care about,” Jean-Pierre snapped.

Doocy agreed with Jean-Pierre, but she cut him off by declaring “I’m not even going to entertain some question about the – it’s just – it’s just hearing it sounds so ridiculous.”

The Fox News reporter also agreed that hearing Kamala’s accent sounds ridiculous, but Jean-Pierre called it “insane” to even ask such a question.

“Is that how she talks in meetings here?” Doocy prodded.  

But Jean-Pierre was done with Doocy and called on the next reporter.

Of course, Doocy asked a legitimate question.

In fact, he was not the only one to notice Kamala Harris used two different accents.

Millions of social media users also noticed and asked the same question about her online.

In one clip posted to X, she’s speaking to a crowd in Detroit and Pittsburgh about labor unions.

As you can hear in the clip, Kamala clearly speaks with a different accent in Pittsburgh than she did in Detroit.

Trump campaign official Alex Bruesewitz shared another clip that compared how she said “64 days” in Detroit compared to when she said it in Pittsburg.

Once again, Kamala Harris clearly uses two different accents.

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