Kamala Harris got humiliated on live TV when a host made this gesture

Cat2 / Politics

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is starting to see her campaign’s momentum stall out.

The honeymoon looks like it’s over.

And Kamala Harris got humiliated on live TV when a host made this gesture.

CNBC hosts mock Kamala Harris’ unconstitutional tax hike scheme

Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed a patently illegal scheme to tax unrealized income on capital gains.

That means Americans could see a tax increase if the value of their stocks goes up even if they don’t sell them.

The 16th Amendment allows for taxes on “incomes, from whatever source derived.”

But unrealized gains aren’t income since no money changed hands.

They are just numbers on paper.

Kamala Harris economic advisor Bharat Rhama suffered a brutal smackdown when he tried to defend this illegal money grab in a segment on CNBC’s Squawk Box with hosts Joe Kernen and Becky Quick.

Rhama tried to defend the tax hike by making the false comparison that Democrats latched onto with property taxes.

“I think that this reaction to unrealized gains is a little funny, given that I bet that the majority of people watching right now are already paying a tax on unrealized gains. It’s called a property tax,” Rama stated.

Quick mocked the comparison explaining that a property tax is a use tax that funds roads and local schools.

Rhana tried to cling to his faulty comparison. 

“Well, look, you’re arguing that this is some sort of foreign concept that’s completely unknown,” Rhama stammered.

Kernen rolled his eyes and began to laugh.

“It’s probably unconstitutional. It’s probably unconstitutional. And it was never in anyone’s intent to – ” Kernen began.

“It’s not income. It’s not an income tax,” Quick interjected.

Kernen wasn’t dissuaded and continued to mock the unrealized gains tax scheme.

“And it’s never going to happen, probably. Not well, I’m not going to say my lifetime,” Kernen added.

The problem with Kamala Harris’ campaign

Kamala Harris’ handlers want to keep her on a teleprompter talking vague platitudes because her policy ideas are laughable.

The unrealized gains tax is the second Kamala economic policy that the media mocked.

Washington Post columnist Katherine Rampell ridiculed her price control scheme as communist.

And now two CNBC hosts laughed at her advisor off the air for an economically illiterate defense of an unconstitutional power grab to tax unrealized gains.

Kamala Harris took 40 days to sit for an interview to avoid discussions like this.

Her handlers know it’s the Achilles heel of her campaign.

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