Joe Biden got caught on camera in this frightening cognitive episode

Cat1 / Politics

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joe Biden’s fitness for office is quickly becoming the dominant issue of the Presidential campaign.

Biden’s 81 years old and looks every bit of it physically and mentally.

And now Joe Biden got caught on camera in this frightening cognitive episode.

Biden freezes in place and needs Obama to rescue him

President Joe Biden jetted off to Hollywood for a fundraiser.

Late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, and former President Barack Obama were all in attendance.

The event raised over $28 million – which the media misleadingly tried to claim was a record.

It was a record in the sense that it set the mark for a Democrat candidate for President. 

Former President Donald Trump set the record for money raised at one time with over $50 million hauled in at a fundraiser in Florida last month.

But even that wasn’t the headline.

The takeaway from the fundraiser was Biden freezing in place on stage as his cognitive impairment took over.

Cameras caught Barack Obama grabbing Biden by the hand and leading him off the stage the way a parent holds the hand of a child when they walk them through a museum.

The White House tries to gaslight the public

White House communications aide Andrew Bates flew off the handle in response to this obviously damaging video.

He went postal on the New York Post over a story featuring the headline “Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser.”

“Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream news organizations for lying about President Biden with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super pac, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting it’s readers and itself once again by pretending the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong. Their ethical standards could deal with a little unfreezing,” Bates wrote in a statement to Mediaite.

Democrats then began a laughable campaign to convince Americans they didn’t see the 81-year-old Biden freeze up in public and need help walking off stage.

Their evidence? A video that showed Biden freezing up and Obama helping him walk off the stage but from a farther away camera angle.

Journalist and Megyn Kelly show producer Steve Krakauer mocked the media and the Democrat Party’s mental gymnastics in reaction to the explosive video from the fundraiser.

“We’ve reached the gaslighting, panic phase of the campaign where Biden surrogates are forced to yell ‘it didn’t happen, watch the video’ about the freeze and Obama hand grab, and their version is just the same freeze and Obama hand grab, but from a different angle further away,” Krakauer posted on X.

The questions about Biden’s age and cognitive state aren’t going away.

Americans have four years’ worth of video showing Biden stumbling around, losing his train of thought and acting bizarrely.

And the press and Democrats’ cover story is unlikely to pass the smell test.

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