Joe Biden found one sick way to kick Clarence Thomas off the Supreme Court

Cat2 / Joe Biden

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Flickr

Joe Biden may have dropped out of the Presidential race.

But he isn’t done scheming to shred the Constitution.

And now Joe Biden found one sick way to kick Clarence Thomas off the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden supports an unconstitutional plan to destroy the Supreme Court 

Now that President Joe Biden is out of the Presidential race, he can concentrate on helping the Left achieve total domination of America.

Target number one is the Supreme Court,

Conservatives hold a six to three majority on the court because Republicans won more elections than Democrats.

Democrats now view the court as illegitimate simply because it’s the one power center in the United States not under the control of the Left.

Joe Biden has a plan to install a left-wing majority on the court.

He came out in favor of a series of power grabs that would dismantle the independent judiciary.

“We need these reforms to restore trust in the courts, preserve the system of checks and balances that are vital to our democracy,” Biden stated.

Biden’s number one proposal is term limits which would end the lifetime appointment Supreme Court Justices enjoy.

This scheme would also restrict Justices to an 18-year term on the court.

“Term limits would help ensure that the court membership changes with some regularity,” Biden declared. 

“That would make timing for the court’s nomination more predictable and less arbitrary, and reduce the chance that any single presidency imposes undue influence on generations to come,” Biden added.

The 18-year term limit applies retroactively and wasn’t picked by chance.

Under Biden’s plan, Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and John Roberts would all get booted off the court.

None of the three left-wing Justices would be affected.

Biden and the Democrats are just mad that former President Donald Trump got to appoint three Supreme Court Justices and the conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade.

The only “offense” the Supreme Court is guilty of committing is handing down decisions Democrats don’t like.

Biden proposed legislation to impose term limits on the Supreme Court even though the lifetime appointment is a constitutional provision and only a constitutional amendment can force Justices to retire after a prescribed number of years.

Biden goes after immunity ruling 

However, Biden did propose a constitutional amendment to override the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that granted the President immunity from criminal prosecution.

“This nation was founded on the principle there are no kings in America, each of us is equal before the law,” Biden ranted.

Biden then offered up a description of a President unchecked by criminal accountability that sounded like his tenure in office.

“Just imagine what a president could do, trampling civil rights and liberties, given such immunity. The court is being used to weaponize an extreme and unchecked agenda,” Biden concluded.

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