Cori Bush got the shock of a lifetime and no one saw what happened next coming

Cat2 / Politics

Photo by Craig Currie via Wikimedia, CC BY 3.0,

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush is one of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s top lieutenants in the “Squad.”

But she got some disastrous news.

And Cori Bush got the shock of a lifetime and no one saw what happened next coming.

Cori Bush loses primary election

Representative Cori Bush (D-MO) lost her bid for another term when St. Louis County District Attorney Wesley Bell defeated her in the Democrat primary.

After the race was called for Bell, Bush addressed her election night watch party supporters and unleashed a tirade the likes of which had never been seen before.

Bush’s target Was AIPAC – the pro-Israel lobbying group – that spent $7 million to defeat her over her support for Hamas and the Palestinians following the October 7 terrorist attack.

In her rant, Bush claimed she was now free to be even more pro-Hamas than she was when she was in Congress.

“Pulling me away from my position as Congresswoman. All you did was take some of the strings off. Let’s be clear. Let’s talk about what it really is. Because, see, now I don’t have to worry about some strings that I have attached as much as I love my job,” Bush raged.

Bush told supporters she was an even more radical socialist after losing re-election.

“But all they did was radicalize me, and so now they make me afraid. See, now they are about to see this other Cori, this other side, because let me say this, I just grew up a whole lot more over the last few weeks – just grew up a whole different way,” Bush added.

Bush threatens AIPAC

Bush then warned AIPAC that she was coming for them now that she was out of Congress.

“And so what they are about to get, they think… I don’t think that anything, there is nothing that happens in my life that happens in vain. So this happened, it’s because it was meant to happen. And let me say, it’s because of the work that I need to do. And let me say this: AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down,” Bush added.

But Bush didn’t lose because of an influx of pro-Israel money into the race.

There was a simple explanation. 

Bush was bad at her job.

In her time in Congress, she was so busy crusading as a socialist to build her online brand that she ignored her constituents and didn’t do the basic job.

“In my reporting on the #MO01 race, a key complaint I heard from constituents — even folks who are Jewish and strongly pro-Israel — was a key starting point for their distaste for Bush was that she was unresponsive: didn’t answer calls or emails, didn’t show up in the district,” Jewish Insider’s Marc Rod reported.

Rod posted on social media that this feeling that Bush abandoned constituents was widespread across the district.

“And that’s for both Jewish and non-Jewish events and groups. Similar constituent services complaints also plagued Rep. Jamaal Bowman before his loss. Both faced accusations that they were more focused on national profiles/movements than on their actual constituents,” Rod added.

Bush is now the second “Squad” member to lose with the other being Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY).

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