CNN broke some bad news to Kamala Harris

Cat2 / Polls

Josh Hallett, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr

Kamala Harris spent the last month riding high.

But she could see everything come crashing down.

And CNN broke some bad news to Kamala Harris.

CNN’s Van Jones is scared over the state of the polls

Democrats are falling all over themselves with glee over successfully swapping out President Joe Biden for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kamala immediately surged in the polls in part because of an unprecedented rush of fawning press that was more reminiscent of state media in countries like North Korea.

CNN political commentator Van Jones expressed anxiety over the fact that Kamala enjoyed three weeks – and likely billions of dollars worth of free media portraying her as a Hollywood icon and the polls still showed a tie race.

“We don’t wanna be tied. I don’t like being tied with Donald Trump because we’ve had now 20-plus days of positive press. He’s been falling down the stairs, slipping on banana peels and poking himself in the eyeball. We should not be tied. We want to pull ahead,” Jones lamented. “That’s our opportunity this week.”

When fellow CNN commentator and former Trump advisor David Urban said Kamala had so far run a flawless campaign and the race was still,  Jones couldn’t help but say how much that fact frightened him.

“That’s scary,” Jones told Urban. “That’s scary. We gotta go.”

Urban said the state of the race was a good sign for former President Donald Trump.

“They’re doing the best they can and it’s tied. That’s really important,” Urban emphasized.

Former Clinton advisor agrees

Former President Bill Clinton’s pollster Mark Penn agreed.

Penn told Fox News Channel’s Maria Bartiromo that Kamala basically had the equivalent of a convention bounce for the last three weeks thanks to the media propaganda effort to prop up her candidacy.

“The polls are showing a dead race. Remember, it’s not surprising the Republicans get a lift from their convention, the Democrats get a lift from their convention. And she’s, in effect, had the Democratic Convention for the last two weeks. She’s had unopposed media praising her and we’ve seen her numbers move from 38% favorable to 47% favorable,” Penn stated.

But the race is still tied and the polls show the voters favor Donald Trump on the issues.

“Now, in the background, two-thirds are unhappy with the economy, two-thirds were unhappy with the direction of the country, almost 60% were unhappy with the administration and most people didn’t like her as Vice President. And more people like Trump as president,” Penn concluded.

One example of how the press and the Democrat Party may be overstating Kamala Harris’ support is in Virginia.

Biden won Virginia by 14 points in 2020.

But Kamala is polling no better than Biden did before the debate.

Her weak poll numbers took place in an environment where even her allies admitted she got Pravda-like coverage from the media.

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