Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called John Fetterman one nasty name that no one saw coming

Cat2 / Politics

Dimitri Rodriguez, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and John Fetterman should be natural allies as both are radical socialists.

But right now, the two are in open warfare.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called John Fetterman one nasty name that no one saw coming.

Ocasio-Cortez attacks Fetterman after committee hearing descends into chaos

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) slammed U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) as “confused” after he mocked the antics of Democrats and Republicans during a House Oversight Committee hearing.

Fetterman wrote that he used to compare Congress to The Jerry Springer Show – the popular late 1990s talk show where desperate for attention guests staged fake fights that viewers watched in the same way they couldn’t look away from car crashes – but after seeing what went on in the hearing, he would retire the comparison.

“In the past, I’ve described the U.S. House as The Jerry Springer Show,” Fetterman wrote on X.

“Today, I’m apologizing to The Jerry Springer Show,” Fetterman added.

That enraged Ocasio-Cortez who insulted him by implying he was still cognitively impaired from the near-fatal stroke he suffered in 2022.

“I understand you likely would not have stood up for your colleague and seem to be confused about racism and misogyny being a ‘both sides’ issue,” Ocasio-Cortez began.

“But I stand up to bullies, instead of becoming one,” Ocasio-Cortez added.

“And to the women of Pennsylvania: I’d stand up for you too. Enjoy your Friday,” Ocasio-Cortez concluded.

The source of the blowup

Representative Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) blew up a committee hearing about holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for suppressing an audio recording of the interview between President Joe Biden and Special Counsel Robert Hur.

She interrupted the proceeding and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) tried to respond but Crockett pushed her to the point where Greene mocked her “fake eyelashes.”

Greene wouldn’t apologize.

And Republicans refused to strike Greene’s words from the record.

That led to a back-and-forth between Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) and Crockett where she hurled even more insults at Greene.

“I’m just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?” Crockett raged.

Luna tried to respond but Crockett wouldn’t let go,

“No, no, no! Because this is what y’all do. So, I’m trying to get clarification because y’all wanna play games and you don’t want me to–” Crockett shouted before Luna cut her off.”

“I can’t hear you with your yelling,” Luna responded.

“–and you don’t want to,” Crockett tried to add.

“Calm down,” Luna retorted.

Getting called out for rudeness only served to further enrage Crockett.

“No! Don’t tell me to calm down because y’all talk noise and then you can’t take it!” Crockett shouted back.

This is the type of behavior that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got mad John Fetterman wouldn’t defend.

What’s really driving Ocasio-Cortez – as well as other Democrats’ anger at Fetterman – is the fact that even though he is a down-the-line socialist, he supports Israel in the war against Hamas.

In today’s Democrat Party, you must support Hamas to be considered a leftist in good standing.

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