Franklin Graham announced one big fight against this growing threat to Christians

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Cornstalker, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The threats to Christians practicing their faith are growing around the world.

Now a line in the sand is being drawn for believers.

And Franklin Graham announced one big fight against this growing threat to Christians.

Franklin Graham is spreading the Gospel in the United Kingdom

The Reverend Franklin Graham – the son of the late evangelist Billy Graham – brought his message of the Gospel to the United Kingdom as part of his God Loves You Tour.

On his last trip to the country, he faced hostility with venues abruptly canceling on him during his 2020 United Kingdom tour.

British LGBTQ+ groups led a pressure campaign against him, falsely labeling him as a spreader of hate.

“I’m not coming out of hate, I’m coming out of love,” Graham said at the time.

Graham’s trip across the United Kingdom is going smoother this time.

He announced the creation of the Billy Graham Defense Fund to fight for religious liberty in the United Kingdom while preaching to a crowd gathered at the OVO Hydro arena in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association – which Graham is the CEO of – will help fund the new venture.

“We took a stand for the Gospel and for freedom of religion in the United Kingdom,” Graham said. “Now we’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence.”

Franklin Graham is fighting for religious freedom in the United Kingdom

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) filed a lawsuit against tour venues that canceled on Graham for his 2020 tour over religious discrimination.

“As of this week, all of the legal disputes with the originally scheduled tour venues have been resolved in ways BGEA considers favorable,” the BGEA told Fox News Digital.

The BGEA said in a release that it received $650,000 from its religious discrimination lawsuits in the United Kingdom.

“This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the U.K.,” Graham stated.

Graham’s ads were removed from buses in Blackpool, England in 2018.

The BGEA filed a lawsuit against the city, which resulted in it issuing an apology in 2021.

Now the faithful have the Billy Graham Defense Fund to protect their religious freedom.

“There are so many problems in our society and people are looking for hope,” Graham said. “We know that true hope can only be found in Jesus Christ, so we need to support one another in getting the Good News of Jesus Christ out, whatever it takes.”

“It is my prayer that this will encourage Christians across the U.K. to keep living out and sharing their faith freely and boldly,” Graham added.

Glasgow pastor Alex Gillies and his wife Charlotte – who both participated in the event – said that Graham brought a much-needed message to Scotland.

“Our church is in a very deprived area. We see depression, mental health problems, financial issues – we see it all,” the Gillies said. “And it’s not just our church, it’s people all over Scotland. Nothing is going to help Scotland apart from Jesus.”

Franklin Graham is giving believers in the United Kingdom more help to ensure they can practice their faith.

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