Alina Habba revealed one secret about her past that drove liberals insane

Cat1 / Culture

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Trump legal spokeswoman Alina Habba won’t back down from a fight.

She’s proved that time and time again.

And Alina Habba revealed one secret about her past that drove Democrats insane.

Habba opens up about her childhood

Alina Habba stunned the crowd at Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit by describing her upbringing where her family struggled at first.

The family struggled to make ends meet and Habba’s father sacrificed and went without so Habba and her two siblings could eat.

She said her father “used to take the money that he could have and got a Coke and a pack of peanuts every day so that we could survive.”

Habba later appeared on Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk’s Real America’s Voice show and defended sharing her story from attacks by so-called “fact checkers” woke social media mobs trying to claim she lied about her childhood. 

“I know that there were comments that were just beyond comprehension, trying to break down, fact-check me,” Habba stated.

She explained it was impossible for the Left to fact-check her on her life because she lived it and they didn’t.

Trump’s legal spokeswoman added that she was happy to flesh out the details of her childhood if anyone wanted.

“I really can’t be fact-checked on my life. I’m happy to break it down further for everybody and all the nastiness.” Habba stated.

The controversy

Habba’s family were Chaldean Catholics who fled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s religious persecution in the 1980s.

Democrats looked at Habba’s Wikipedia page and saw that her father became a gastroenterologist and that she graduated from a private school before going to college and accused her of lying.

The fact-checking industrial complex is now a booming industry on the Left.

Every media organization now employs so-called “fact checkers” to nitpick every comment made by Republicans and find a way to call it a lie.

All of these so-called “fact checkers” are purely partisan operatives who dress up Democrat Party talking points as objective truths by claiming everything Republicans say is either outright false or misleading because they refuse to repeat the Left’s framing on any given subject.

Alina Habba has complete strangers who never met her calling her a liar because the media outlets that leftists consume condition their audience to believe the “truth” is whatever Democrats say it is.

But there is no greater offender on this front than CNN.

CNN actually employs disinformation “experts” who actually posted a video to CNN’s site attacking Trump supporters as kooks and conspiracy theorists because they correctly noted that America is a republic and not a democracy.

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