Pope Francis just attacked Donald Trump in one unthinkable way

Most world leaders accepted the fact that Donald Trump won in a landslide and will once again act as the leader of the free world.
Not Pope Francis.
And Pope Francis just attacked Donald Trump in one unthinkable way.
Pope Francis defends illegal immigration
Donald Trump – as well as populist parties across the world – won power thanks to a backlash to the globalists’ open borders agenda.
Most left-wing parties are attempting to recalibrate on migration, with one example being all but nine Senate Democrats voting to break a filibuster on the Laken Riley Act.
Pope Francis holds a lifetime appointment in his job, so he doesn’t have to worry about elections, having already won the only one he will ever have to face when he became Pope.
And that means Pope Francis is unbowed when it comes to his support for mass migration.
In remarks made just days before Donald Trump takes the oath of office, Pope Francis attacked leaders like Trump who defend the idea that nations are physical entities with borders, common culture and language.
Francis whined that populations – largely in Western countries – understand that mass migration is a threat to national sovereignty and culture.
“I find it greatly disheartening to see that migration is still shrouded in a dark cloud of mistrust, rather than being seen as a source of empowerment,” Francis complained.
Francis demanded governments adopt the Joe Biden position of a humane immigration system – which at the end of the day amounts to open borders.
“People on the move are seen simply as a problem to be managed,” Francis whined, insisting that migrants get “treated like objects to be moved about.”
Like other leftists, Francis pushes this narrative that illegal aliens are the real world equivalent of Marvel’s Avengers saying the “have dignity and resources that they can offer to others; they have their own experiences, needs, fears, aspirations, dreams, skills and talents.”
Francis also called on Trump and other world leaders to “safeguard regular pathways” for migration, which will only encourage tens of millions of more illegal aliens to leave the homeland to march on America and other European countries.
Francis says that illegal aliens “are forced to walk thousands of kilometers in Central America or in the Sahara desert, or to cross the Mediterranean Sea or the English Channel in overcrowded makeshift boats, only to be turned away or forced to live clandestinely in a foreign country.”
Despite the fact that voters in America and nations across Europe continue to send a message that they are fed up with illegal aliens flooding their countries, Francis demanded open borders remain the status quo.
“We can easily forget that we are dealing with real persons who ought to be welcomed, protected, promoted and integrated,” Francis continued.
And like Kamala Harris, Francis claimed governments needed to address the root cause of illegal immigration “so that leaving one’s home to look for another is a choice and not a necessary means of survival.”
Francis called for “a means of helping eliminate some of the causes leading people to migrate.”
And what “crisis” did Francis think lay at the heart of causing mass migration?
Climate change.
Francis was just like every other leftist leader in that he’s willing to use one crisis – the one at the border – as cover to impose a socialist green new deal scheme that will put leftwing leaders in charge of every aspect of people’s lives.