J.D. Vance was raising hell after Karl Rove made this sick attack on him

J.D. Vance became a rising political star during the 2024 Election.
The Republican establishment isn’t happy about that.
And J.D. Vance was raising hell after Karl Rove made this sick attack on him.
Karl Rove makes an unprovoked attack on J.D. Vance
Vice President-elect J.D. Vance is hard at work on the transition for the incoming administration.
The Republican establishment loathes him because he became the future of the party when President-elect Donald Trump picked him to be his running mate.
Former Bush advisor Karl Rove decided to throw a gratuitous cheap shot at Vance in a story in the New York Times.
RINO former Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stepped down from his role as the Senate Republican leader after 17 years in November.
The Times ran a piece on the retirement Republican political operative Steven Law who ran McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund and its affiliated nonprofit One Nation.
McConnell established the Senate Leadership Fund in 2014 after Tea Party conservatives had won Republican Senate Primaries during the 2010 and 2012 Election cycles.
Law helped raise more than $2 billion that was used to defeat conservatives in Primaries and help get McConnell’s allies elected.
Incoming Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) will have his allies take over the Senate Leadership Fund.
McConnell complained that since Trump came on the scene, it was harder to get his hand-picked puppets elected to the Senate.
“In the Trump era, I do think there’s been some more difficulty in terms of getting quality candidates,” McConnell said. “I think loyalty to the subsequent presidential nominee became extremely important to him. And we had some situations, like in 2022, where we were simply stuck with people that couldn’t win in Arizona and Georgia and New Hampshire.”
The article noted that the Senate Leadership Fund spent money backing Vance during his 2022 Ohio Senate race with a nasty comment from Rove.
“There was a candidate running in Ohio who was a terrible fund-raiser and was not a particularly effective candidate and the rest of the Republican ticket is winning by — from 18 to 24 points,” Rove said. “But JD Vance gets dragged across the finish line by Steven Law.”
Vance won his race comfortably in Ohio, but ran behind Republican incumbents running for re-election against token opposition, unlike the Vice President-elect’s well-funded Democrat challenger.
Trump’s campaign manager slams Rove
Rove worked a cheap shot against Vance into an article where it was completely uncalled for.
Trump co-campaign manager Chris LaCivita called Rove a “jacka**” on X.
“This is a crappy way to compliment someone – but There is always going to be that one gratuitous jacka** spouting BS – some people just can’t help themselves,” LaCivita wrote about the Times piece.
Vance slammed Rove after he won the Ohio Republican Senate Primary in May 2022 after the former Bush advisor worked to defeat him during an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight.
“If you think of some of my biggest enemies in this primary – you know the slimeball Karl Rove, who shipped a lot of American jobs overseas and got rich in the process, and also sent a lot of Americans to die in stupid conflicts,” Vance said. “You know, Karl Rove spent a lot of money, he wrote a lot of op-eds criticizing my candidacy, even called my donors after Trump endorsed me, encouraging them to drop my campaign.”
“So, in a lot of ways what this revealed is that you have some very corrupt political consultants in the Republican Party who despise their own voters,” Vance added.
The Republican establishment is fuming that J.D. Vance is going to be the future leader of the party.