A journalist destroyed the media for refusing to report this damning story about Joe Biden

The media is in a moment of crisis as Joe Biden’s Presidency comes to a close.
A day of reckoning is coming over one massive scandal.
And a journalist destroyed the media for refusing to report this damning story about Joe Biden.
CBS News claims the most underreported story of 2024 was Joe Biden’s mental decline
It was obvious to anyone with eyes and ears that President Joe Biden was suffering from severe mental decline since he took office.
The White House worked to keep Biden hidden from the public to protect him.
Democrats and their media allies claimed for years that anyone who pointed out the obvious decline of the President was a conspiracy theorist.
Biden’s disastrous debate meant that they couldn’t hide the truth any longer.
The wall of silence around Biden is starting to break now that he’s leaving office and has no political value.
Reports from the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times revealed that Biden has experienced cognitive decline.
CBS chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford said during a panel on Face the Nation that the President’s mental decline was the most underreported story of 2024.
“Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate,” Crawford said.
She conveniently wished the media had done a better job covering it because it could have allowed Democrats to have a Primary.
“It’s starting to emerge now that his advisers kind of managed his limitations, which has been reported in the Wall Street Journal, for four years,” Crawford explained. “And yet he insisted that he could still run for president. We should have much more forcefully questioned whether he was fit for office for another four years, which could have led to a primary for the Democrats. It could have changed the scope of the entire election.”
Crawford said a story in the Washington Post that cited Biden sources claiming the President thinks he could have won the election was the height of delusion.
“Yet still, incredibly, we read in the Washington Post that his advisers are saying that he regrets that he dropped out of the race, that he thinks he could have beaten Trump,” Crawford added. “And I think that is either delusional or they’re gaslighting the American people.”
Damage control begins for the media
Democrats and their media allies hiding Biden’s mental decline for four years while his staff ran the country is one of the biggest scandals in American political history.
The media shredded its credibility going along with this charade.
Crawford is trying to do damage control for CBS for failing to report on the story.
Biden might be leaving the White House but this scandal isn’t going to disappear.
More members of his administration will spill the beans about what really happened now when Biden is out of office and no longer politically relevant.
That’s going to raise serious questions about the media being in on the cover-up that journalists are going to be desperate to avoid.